It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times, as Dickens might have said.
Broad Overview of 2017 – The Road Ahead 2018
The past 36 months taught us very little that was new. It did however crystalize and reinforce certain concepts.
Emotions can be a threat to your financial health
“Bull markets are born on pessimism, grown on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria”.
Financial Emigration: Should you make the move?
Financial emigration is a complex business, with many unexpected costs as one severs ties with South Africa.
Many people don’t officially emigrate, finding it easier to slowly liquidate assets and shift funds offshore. Here are pointers on what to think about as you weigh up whether you should sell property and cash in long-term savings.
More on The Active Versus Passive Debate
Over the last decade, we have seen a massive shift on the part of investors away from so-called “actively-managed” mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and into so-called “passively-managed” funds – also referred to as “index” funds.
Always look on the bright side of life
Catastrophising (yes, it is a word), is an irrational thought that something is far worse than it actually is. This condition can be situational, for example when you get bitten by a spider and immediately sit down to write your last will and testament. It can also be based on the projection of the future where we agonise over all the things that could go wrong, for example there are those who are of the firm view that a Donald Trump presidency will lead a certain nuclear holocaust.
Rules designed to guide investors in the avoidance of potential investment traps
In an environment where investment returns are becoming increasingly strained, many investors could be tempted to chase yield. This, however, is a very dangerous investment strategy as it often fails to take the associated risk into account.
The Power of Compounding
Albert Einstein supposedly once said that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. The principle of compound growth can be defined as the power of exponential growth, that is, growth on growth. The concept of compound growth and its impact can be...
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is basically a contract in terms of which a person grants someone else the authority to act on his behalf in relation to his affairs. In granting the power of attorney he tells the world at large that this specific person has stepped into his shoes and is authorized to act in the same way that he or she himself/herself would act.
Common Mistakes Most Investors Make
Individuals are consistently promised that investing in the financial markets is the only way to financial success. After all, it’s so easy. Financial pundits across the country state the one simply buys a basket of mutual funds and they will make 8, 10 or 12% a year.