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I am your life insurance policy

by | Life Insurance, Risk

I am your life insurance policy


You and I have similar purposes in this world

It is your job to provide food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medicine, and other things for your loved ones. You do this while I lie in your safe deposit box.

I have faith and trust in you

Out of your earnings will come the cost of my upkeep. At times, I may appear insignificant to you — but someday and who knows when) you and I will change places.

When you are laid to rest

I will come alive and do your job. I may provide food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medicine, and other things your family will continue to need — just as you are doing now.

When your work and labour are done

Mine will begin. Through me, your hands can carry on.

When you feel that the price you are paying for my upkeep is burdensome

Remember that I can do more for you and your family than you will ever do for me.

If you do your part, I will do mine.