RAs: The big one Retirement Annuities (RAs) offer significant tax breaks as contributions to the investments are tax-deductible, and the growth within the funds is tax-free. You can contribute a maximum of 27.5% of your taxable income to retirement funding each...
It’s tax filing season: Watch out for scams!!!
SARS has warned taxpayers of a disturbing rise in fraud attempts and breaches of eFiling profiles. These breaches can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and a lengthy process of restoring your good standing with the authorities.Cyber threats have evolved from...
Happy New Tax Year!
Happy new tax year to you. May it be a frugal, sensible and thoughtful tax year for you and your families. You may be thinking that the end of the last tax year was really hectic as you rushed to top up payments on various tax-free investments and retirement annuity...
Sars has its eye on South Africans working abroad
The 2022 tax season is around the corner, and it will be one of the shortest to date. The period to submit tax returns will be open from 1 July to 24 October for individual taxpayers who are not provisional taxpayers. On 3 June, Edward Kieswetter, the Commissioner of...
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day.
IT’S A NEW DAWN IT’S A NEW DAY Birds flying high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel It's a new dawn It's a new dayIt's a new life for me, yeah It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life for me, ooh...
Should you file a tax return for the 2020 tax year?
In response to COVID-19, SARS has introduced a four-phased approach
Make the most of your tax benefits before 29 February
Each tax year brings an opportunity to take advantage of incentives.